Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tutorial Far Manager

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Opera Mini 5 Beta

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

AF703, Ponsel Qwerty Asiafone

Euforia ponsel Blackberry Wannabe juga ikut mewabah ke Asiafone. Kali ini mereka menyebutnya sebagai ponsel qwerty yang glamour, AF703.

AF703 lebih mirip dengan ponsel Blackberry seri 83XX. Seri lawas yang muncul pertama kali saat Blackberry mulai booming. Namun kesamaan ini hanya sebatas tampilan depannya saja, lengkap dengan keypad qwerty. Namun fitur di dalamnya memiliki khas ponsel merek China, yaitu TV dan dual GSM.

Layar TFT yang diusungnya memiliki ukuran 2,2 inci, cukup untuk menampilkan siaran televisi analog atau foto dan video hasil rekaman anda. Selain itu, AF703 ini dilengkapi juga dengan FM Radio, kamera, MMS, WAP 2.0 dan GPRS, MP3 dan MP4 Player serta fasilitas Bluetooth A2DP dan USB plug.

Yang menarik, ponsel ini dilengkapi dengan fitur sensor gerak (shake sensor) yang memungkinkan pengoperasian menu dan navigasi hanya dengan menggunakan sentuhan gerak.

Satu-satunya alasan dimunculkannya Blackberry wannabe adalah karena ketertarikan masyarakat terhadap Facebook, email, Chatting dan browsing. Dengan AF703 pengguna dapat melakukan semua layanan tersebut di sini karena fiturnya yang telah terintegrasi.

"Dalam kemunculannya pertama kali, ponsel qwerty ini cukup menarik perhatian konsumen, baik di Jawa maupun di luar pulau Jawa. AF703 merupakan salah satu yang menarik bagi konsumen karena dengan harga terjangkau, pengguna bisa mendapatkan semua hal yang dibutuhkan," ujar Presiden Direktur Asiafone Herman Zhou.

Saat yang bersamaan, Asiafone juga meluncurkan dua ponsel qwerty lainnya, yaitu AF903 dan AF803. Keduanya juga dibanderol dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau
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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kiat Sukses Perluas Jaringan Sosial "Online"

Menurut data terakhir ComScore’s (perangkat industri online untuk mengukur khalayaknya) lebih dari 600 juta orang menjadi pengguna aktif jaringan sosial, blog dan situs foto.

Sementara penelitian yang dilakukan Synovate untuk Microsoft dengan subyek usia 15-24 tahun di Asia, menunjukkan bahwa kaum muda Asia menghabiskan waktu rata-rata hampir 5 jam (4,8 jam) per-hari hanya untuk online.

Namun, jika Anda belum ikut tren ini, yakni masuk ke jaringan sosial, berikut beberapa kiat yang dapat membantu menjadi ‘social butterfly’ (suka melompat antar karingan sosial) atau menjadi ‘bintang’ dalam pergaulan sosial online.

Ada banyak jaringan sosial dan tidak mungkin Anda terlibat semuanya didalamnya seperti Facebook, Ning, LinkedIn, Twitter,, Flickr, dan Picasa Web. Tanyakan pada diri Anda: Apa yang saya inginkan dari kegiatan ini? Apakah saya ingin menambah teman? Apakah saya ingin mempromosikan hasil karya atau musik ciptaan? Apakah saya hanya ingin memiliki medium untuk berbagi gagasan? Jika Anda ingin meraih semua tujuan di atas, Anda mungkin harus mempertimbangkan jaringan sosial yang besar seperti Windows Live home page, Facebook, MySpace atau Friendster.

Jika Anda harus memutuskan untuk berpartisipasi di lebih dari satu jaringan sosial, akan kerepotan untuk mengecek satu persatu perkembangan terbaru  setiap hari dan pasti melelahkan. Karena itu, fokuslah pada salah satunya.

Siapakah Anda?

Orang senang memasang profil ‘wajah’ pada nama. Boleh saja memasang foto diri yang menarik dan menulis profil diri secara detil. Namun jika identitas diri terlampau berlebihan, hal ini justru akan menarik para cyber-stalkers. Pandai-pandailah mengatur dan menjaga informasi tentang diri yang ingin Anda tampilkan. Buatlah pengaturan privasi secara baik.

Tetap Aktif
Pastikan bahwa Anda berhubungan dengan teman-teman secara rutin, misalnya ikut ambil bagian dalam diskusi online, memperbaharui status Anda atau juga turut berpartisipasi dalam memberi pendapat dari waktu ke waktu. Pastinya Anda tidak ingin ketinggalan dalam pergaulan dunia online. Satu hal lagi yang penting adalah, jangan pernah banjiri teman-temanmu dengan links, pesan-pesan, komentar dan konten – sebab Anda akan dicap sebagai ‘spammer’.

Have Fun!
Berhubungan dalam jaringan sosial secara online sangat menyenangkan. Jadi buatlah segalanya menjadi menjadi sederhana! Menggabungkan jaringan sosial adalah permulaan yang sangat baik. Bagaimanapun, pada akhirnya adalah soal menambah teman, bersosialisasi dan berbagi kepentingan yang sama.
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Virus Komputer Lokal Lebih Berbahaya

Zaman Internet,
Virus komputer lokal buatan Indonesia yang banyak beredar di dunia maya saat ini diyakini lebih berbahaya dari virus produksi asing. Dalam beberapa kasus, virus lokal sampai menghilangkan data file di komputer korban.
"Sementara, virus asing tidak sampai menghilangkan file penting penggunanya. Produsen virus tersebut hanya ingin menunjukkan kelemahan windows yang ada saat ini," kata Yudhi Kukuh, Technical Security Consultant, ESET Indonesia, perusahaan di bidang keamanan digital, Minggu (23/8).
Namun, jelas dia, dari sejumlah virus yang menyebar di seluruh jaringan komputer di dunia, virus asal Indonesia hanya menyumbang 0,1 persen. "Meski penguasaannya terbilang minim secara internasional, pengguna komputer perlu menyadari pentingnya antivirus untuk melindungi data," ujarnya.
Sampai saat ini, kata dia, variasi virus di dunia sangat beragam. Akan tetapi, yang kini menjadi tren dan berbahaya adalah virus "configure". Virus ini sifatnya bisa menggandakan diri, sehingga kini variannya bisa mencapai turunan ke-30 ("configure" varian AQ).
"Mayoritas, selama ini yang menyerang komputer di antaranya `configure generic`, `configure` varian A, dan `configure` varian AA," katanya.
Sementara, ia mencontohkan, ragam virus lokal yang juga membahayakan data pengguna komputer seperti babon, aksika, "coolface & coolface MP3 player", W32/Kill AV, pendekar "blank", pacaran, "blue fantassy", "Windx-Matrox". Selain itu, ada juga virus amburadul, FD Shield, Purwo C, dan Nadia Saphira.

Terkait pengguna antivirus ESET, Marketing Communications ESET Indonesia, Chrissie Maryanto, menyatakan, sampai saat ini pasar terbesar sebanyak 60 persen berada di Jakarta, 30 persen di Surabaya, dan 10 persennya menyebar di kota lain. "Dari jumlah tersebut, segmentasi pasar kami terdiri dari 80 persen kalangan korporasi dan 20 persen pelaku usaha ritel," katanya.

Khusus di Surabaya, ia siap menembus pasar ritel di kota tersebut. Salah satunya dengan menjalin kerja sama dengan peritel yang bergerak di bidang teknologi informasi (TI). Sementara itu, sejak Agustus ini ia telah memiliki reseller di Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Jember, Bali, Balikpapan, dan Papua.

"Mengenai upaya menarik konsumen, kami memberikan promo Merdeka Dari Virus dengan harga promosi untuk Home Edition seperti ESET Antivirus NOD32 yang kini menjadi 24,99 dolar Amerika Serikat (AS), dari harga normal 39,99 dolar AS," katanya.
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Java in Mobile Devices

Java™ 2 Platform Micro Edition and MIDP

The Java™ 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) is designed for use in resource-constrained mass-market consumer devices. One 'profile' of J2ME is the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP), which is designed for resource constrained devices like mobile phones, two-way pagers, PDAs, etc. It uses the Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) as its basis.

Visit the Java Community Process website to learn more about MIDP, CLDC and other related topics, such as optional packages like the Mobile Media application programming interface (API) and the Wireless Messaging API.

Java Community Process

Nokia and Java

Nokia actively contributes to the Java Community Process in the standardization of application programming interfaces for mobile Java. The first Java standard led by Nokia was the Mobile Media API (MMAPI), also known as JSR-135. This optional interface brings multimedia features to MIDP, allowing for rich media applications utilizing sound, video and image capture, for example. The MMAPI standard was created in an Expert Group of over 20 companies and individuals, representing industry segments ranging from device manufacturers and operators to software and application experts.

Nokia's Java-enabled phones.

Registered developers can find useful tools, examples, documents and other support for developing MIDP applications in the Forum Nokia website.

Forum Nokia website.

Over the air MIDlet provisioning

One important aspect of MIDP is the ability to dynamically download new MIDlets "over-the-air". This allows consumers to customize and personalize their mobile devices with their favorite applications, and helps create a market for downloadable software applications in mobile devices.
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Telkomsel Dirikan Pusat Layanan BlackBerry


Seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya pertumbuhan pelanggan BlackBerry, Telkomsel menghadirkan pusat pelayanan khusus bagi pelanggan BlackBerry dengan nama Mobilife. Pusat layanan ini merupakan hasil kerja sama dengan Research In Motion dan Malifax Indonesia sebagai importir resmi produk BlackBerry Telkomsel.
"Pertumbuhan pelanggan BlackBerry Telkomsel yang sangat pesat mendorong kami untuk terus memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik, salah satunya dengan menghadirkan pusat pelayanan BlackBerry Telkomsel," kata VP Channel Management Telkomsel Gideon Edie Purnomo. Ia mengatakan jumlah pelanggan BlackBerry Telkomsel mengalami peningkatan sampai empat kali lipta dari 35.000 di awal tahun menjadi 135.000 saat ini.
Mobilife merupakan one stop solution shop, di mana pelanggan dapat memperoleh solusi lengkap atas layanan BlackBerry Telkomsel-nya, seperti informasi seputar BlackBerry, penanganan keluhan, garansi atas kerusakan, serta layanan download beragam aplikasi dan upgrade software terbaru. Bahkan pelanggan juga dapat membeli paket bundling BlackBerry Telkomsel sekaligus mengaktifkannya di Mobilife.
Melalui Mobilife ini, pelanggan dapat memperoleh layanan langsung di satu tempat. Meski demikian, pelanggan BlackBerry Telkomsel tetap dapat mendapat layanan seputar BlackBerry melalui call center dan melalui reseller-reseller BlackBerry.
Untuk sementara Mobilife baru didirikan di satu lokasi yakni di Lantai 4 Senayan City, Jakarta. Sejauh ini, Telkomsel belum memutuskan berapa banyak lagi akan menambah layanan serupa di Jakarta mupun kota-kota lainnya.
Selain menghadirkan Mobilife, Telkomsel juga meluncurkan Facebook Fan Page BlackBerry, yakni layanan online bagi pengguna Facebook, di mana pelanggan dapat berbagi informasi seputar layanan BlackBerry Telkomsel. Pelanggan cukup mengakses dan langsung dapat menikmati beragam fitur menarik pada halaman online tersebut.
"Kehadiran Facebook Fan Page merupakan jawaban atas keinginan pelanggan yang tergabung dalam komunitas BlackBerry Telkomsel untuk berbagi informasi mengenai tips dan trik BlackBerry, memperoleh informasi program promosi terbaru, men-download beragam aplikasi menarik, bahkan men-download wallpaper secara gratis," pungkas Gideon.
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Speed up WCDMA Networks

HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) marks a similar boost for WCDMA that EDGE does for GSM. It provides a two-fold increase in air interface capacity and a five-fold increase in data speeds in the downlink direction. HSDPA also shortens the round-trip time between the network and terminals and reduces variance in downlink transmission delay.

Nokia Research Center Dallas completed the HSDPA demonstration in January 2003 as a first demo at Nokia on this topic.
See the video clip (WMV file, 10.5 MB)

The improvements in performance are achieved by:
  • bringing some key functions, such as scheduling of data packet transmission and processing of retransmissions (in case of transmission errors) into the base station - that is, closer to the air interface
  • using a short frame length to further accelerate packet scheduling for transmission
  • employing incremental redundancy for minimizing the air-interface load caused by retransmissions
  • adopting a new transport channel type, known as High Speed Downlink Shared Channel (HS-DSCH) to facilitate air interface channel sharing between several users
  • adapting the modulation scheme and coding according to the quality of the radio link.


The demonstration video clip highlights the main features of HSDPA by showing the following:

  • A DVD-quality streaming video application running over a complete HSDPA radio system. In this demonstration, the layer 1 supports of data-rate of up to 10Mbps.
  • The link adaptation feature by showing how the signal constellation changes from 16-QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) to QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) by introducing interference in the wireless link.
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The Morph concept

Morph Wrist mode

Launched alongside The Museum of Modern Art “Design and The Elastic Mind” exhibition, the Morph concept device is a bridge between highly advanced technologies and their potential benefits to end-users. This device concept showcases some revolutionary leaps being explored by Nokia Research Center (NRC) in collaboration with the Cambridge Nanoscience Centre (United Kingdom) – nanoscale technologies that will potentially create a world of radically different devices that open up an entirely new spectrum of possibilities.
Morph concept technologies might create fantastic opportunities for mobile devices:
  • Newly-enabled flexible and transparent materials blend more seamlessly with the way we live
  • Devices become self-cleaning and self-preserving
  • Transparent electronics offering an entirely new aesthetic dimension
  • Built-in solar absorption might charge a device, whilst batteries become smaller, longer lasting and faster to charge
  • Integrated sensors might allow us to learn more about the environment around us, empowering us to make better choices

In addition to the advances above, the integrated electronics shown in the Morph concept could cost less and include more functionality in a much smaller space, even as interfaces are simplified and usability is enhanced. All of these new capabilities will unleash new applications and services that will allow us to communicate and interact in unprecedented ways.
Flexible & Changing DesignMorph Phone Operating
Nanotechnology enables materials and components that are flexible, stretchable, transparent and remarkably strong. Fibril proteins are woven into a three dimensional mesh that reinforces thin elastic structures. Using the same principle behind spider silk, this elasticity enables the device to literally change shapes and configure itself to adapt to the task at hand.
A folded design would fit easily in a pocket and could lend itself ergonomically to being used as a traditional handset. An unfolded larger design could display more detailed information, and incorporate input devices such as keyboards and touch pads.
Even integrated electronics, from interconnects to sensors, could share these flexible properties. Further, utilization of biodegradable materials might make production and recycling of devices easier and ecologically friendly.
Nanotechnology also can be leveraged to create self-cleaning surfaces on mobile devices, ultimately reducing corrosion, wear and improving longevity. Nanostructured surfaces, such as “Nanoflowers” naturally repel water, dirt, and even fingerprints utilizing effects also seen in natural systems.
Advanced Power Sources
Nanotechnology holds out the possibility that the surface of a device will become a natural source of energy via a covering of “Nanograss” structures that harvest solar power. At the same time new high energy density storage materials allow batteries to become smaller and thinner, while also quicker to recharge and able to endure more charging cycles.
Sensing The Environment
Nanosensors would empower users to examine the environment around them in completely new ways, from analyzing air pollution, to gaining insight into bio-chemical traces and processes. New capabilities might be as complex as helping us monitor evolving conditions in the quality of our surroundings, or as simple as knowing if the fruit we are about to enjoy should be washed before we eat it. Our ability to tune into our environment in these ways can help us make key decisions that guide our daily actions and ultimately can enhance our health.

Press Material

Other resourcesTo learn more about the “Design and The Elastic Mind” exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art visit MoMA webpage
To learn more about the Cambridge Nanoscience Centre visit
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Introducing iPhone Nano & Shuffle: FUTURE TECHNOLOGY: LATEST IPHONE:

Introducing iPhone Nano & Shuffle: FUTURE TECHNOLOGY: LATEST IPHONE:
Apple’s iPhone proves again that user experience is brand experience. 
Mental Model of a Mobile Phone
The iPhone is a geek’s dream, a tech miracle, a multi purpose wonder. Yet, what is it exactly? A cellphone, an iPod, a computer? If you create tools with too many different functions, purpose, shape and idea.
Our mental model of a cellphone: A telephone without cable that also allows you to write little messages if you don’t feel like speaking in real time.
The iPhone has solved many of the interface problems of the regular cell phone and came up with a beautiful interaction model as simple and comprehensive as the wii-mote. And of course, the tech guy loves this widget-wonder as it is. Yet for those who just want a better cellphone I suggest the following:
iPhone Nano
source: FPR
All a cellphone needs is a phone, Web, and E-mail. That’s right: no SMS, no iPod. Of course, you can take pictures, notes and change the settings, if you really want to. No SMS: First mix E-mail with SMS and than make SMS disappear. In Japan, mobile phones just use E-mail. It’s cheap, simple and obvious. No iPod: keep it as a mobile phone, keep the mental model intact. 
iPhone Shuffle
Just phone, mail, and the time. If you turn the device, you can read the mails. This little guy probably needs advanced speech recognition to add numbers, find your contacts quickly and write mail. Use side buttons to go through your library. You deal with the settings by plugging it into the USB port of your computer. If you’re bored you switch into shuffle mode to call a random dude. 
FUTURE TECHNOLOGY: LATEST IPHONE NANO Is Convenient for Student, Office Workers,Traders,Business worker, any one who desires it. It is simple and attractive.
To get photos of the Iphone Nano log on to www. or Email:,

Video information about future technology. Watch the video related with future technology for free.

Please post all comments at “Highlights” All Things Digital Conference 2007 D5 Part4 of 7 Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together From May 30, 2007 by John Paczkowski In Part 4 of 7, Gates and Jobs continue their discussion about the future of technology, covering such topics as mobile phones, flexible displays, Internet services and the nimbleness of large companies versus small start-ups. … d5 Steve Jobs Bill Gates Together wsj walt kara digital computer part4 …

Help answer the question about future technology

Any good documentaries on future technology?
Does anyone know of any good documentaries on the future and innovative technology? I love stuff like that.

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